The 37th annual Duck Derby will be held on September 1, 2025. This event has been the main fundraiser for

the Lumsden Sports Association (LSA) since it’s inception in 1987. While many things have changed in the

last 37 years, the Duck Derby has been a constant in the lives of all the kids and families in the surrounding

communities and something they look forward to every Labour day weekend!

Each year up to 35,000 numbered plastic ducks are dropped into the Qu’appelle river that winds through

the scenic valley town of Lumsden. The first 20 ducks to cross the finish line win valuable prizes and the

first duck has a chance at the $1,000,000 grand prize! Thousands of people make their way to Lumsden to

attend the weekend’s events.

Funds raised by the Duck Derby are used to pay for capital expenditures at the Lumsden Sports Centre and

keep fees at a minimum for all users of the facility.

Our expenditures for the Derby are high and include entertainment, sound equipment, children’s activities,

insurance, a crane and food for multiple events. Keeping our costs low is essential to maximizing the money

that goes back to the LSA, which is why we are seeking sponsorship dollars for as much as we can. All

sponsors will be publicly recognized through our social media, live announcements during the event and

any advertising signage the sponsor would like to supply.

As a local business there are many ways you can participate and help to make this event a success. The

weekend is a busy one, full of well-attended events that are looking for sponsorships from businesses like


The Lumsden Sports Centre is the backbone of our community. It provides a safe environment that

promotes a healthy lifestyle for not only the youth, but our community at large.

Thank you for considering a donation to the Lumsden Duck Derby.

Your support of our event is greatly appreciated!

To become a sponsor, contact Jayne Gorrill at


Platinum Sponsor

• This level will sponsor one of the main events (Pancake Breakfast, Jail and Bail, Cabaret, Kids Zone, or Duck Drop).

• There will be signage for these sponsors at the primary area of the event (provided by sponsor).

• Sponsor will get mentions at all speaking opportunities and will get up to 5 mentions on Duck Derby social media leading up to the event.

• Sponsor logos will appear prominently on our webpage with their event. Our website receives 7,000+ visits.

• These sponsors can also receive priority placing in the parade if they choose to participate.

Gold Sponsor

• These sponsors will be recognized in the beer gardens/trade show area on the day of the event.

• Sponsor will receive 3 mentions on Duck Derby social media leading up to the event.

• Sponsor will get their logo on the website on the sponsorship page. Our website receives 7,000+ visits.

• They will also receive a guaranteed spot in the parade leading up to the Duck Drop.

Silver Sponsor

• These sponsors will receive recognition through our social media.

• Sponsor will get their logo on our website on the sponsorship page. Our website receives 7,000+ visits.

• They will also receive a guaranteed spot in the parade leading up to the Duck Drop.